Should You Do Workouts in the Morning or Evening for Optimal Fitness?

When it comes to execute workout, one of the most common questions is, "What is the best time to exercise: morning or evening?" Many people struggle with determining the optimal time of day for physical activity that aligns with their fitness goals, lifestyle, and preferences. While there is no universal answer, understanding the benefits and potential drawbacks of exercising at different times can help you find the best routine for you. In this article, we will explain the pros and cons of both morning and evening HIIT workouts, backed by research, to help you decide the best time for your exercise regimen.

Morning Workouts: Rise and Shine with Exercise

The Benefits of Morning Workouts

1) Boosting Metabolism Early:

One of the most touted benefits of morning workouts is the ability to kick-start your metabolism. Exercising first thing in the morning, especially in a fasted state, is believed to help increase fat burning and energy expenditure throughout the day. This phenomenon, known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), means your body continues to burn calories at an elevated rate even after the workout is over.

2) Consistency and Routine Building:

For many, the early hours of the day provide fewer distractions and interruptions. Exercising in the morning allows you to complete your workout before your daily schedule gets hectic. This is a significant advantage for people who have busy workdays or unpredictable schedules. Morning exercisers are also more likely to develop a consistent routine, as they start their day with intention and purpose.

3) Improved Mood and Mental Clarity:

Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood elevators. Starting your day with a workout can give you a positive outlook, reduce stress, and improve your mental clarity throughout the day. Many individuals report feeling more energetic and focused after morning exercise, which can help with productivity and overall well-being.

4) Better Sleep Quality:

Research suggests that people who exercise in the morning tend to have better sleep patterns. By aligning your workout with your body’s natural circadian rhythm, morning exercise can help regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Plus, working out early reduces the risk of being too energized or alert before bedtime, which could disrupt your sleep.

The Drawbacks of Morning Workouts

1) Lower Body Temperature and Stiff Muscles:

In the morning time; your body temperature is lower, and your muscles are stiffer due to inactivity during sleep. This means your body may not be as ready for intense pre workout right away. A more extended warm-up might be required to reduce the risk of injury, particularly if your workout involves heavy lifting or high-intensity training.

2) Energy and Performance Limitations:

If you are not a natural morning person, you may find it difficult to summon the energy and motivation for a high-intensity workout. Low energy levels in the morning can lead to suboptimal performance, especially for those engaging in strenuous activities like weightlifting, sprinting, or endurance exercises.

3) Impact on Social Life:

For some, execution of workouts in the morning means sacrificing leisure time, sleep, or family interaction. While morning exercise can be beneficial, it may require you to go to bed earlier or skip social activities in the evening, which could impact your overall quality of life.

Evening Workouts: Unwind and Sweat It Out

The Benefits of Evening Workouts

1) Improved Performance and Strength:

Multiple studies indicate that exercise performance, strength, and endurance tend to be better in the late afternoon or early evening. Your body temperature is higher during this time, making your muscles more flexible, your reaction times faster, and your heart rate and oxygen uptake more efficient. This means you are likely to perform better in strength training and cardiovascular activities later in the day.

2) Stress Relief and Relaxation:

Evening workouts can serve as a great way to unwind after a long day. The physical activity helps reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) levels, promoting relaxation and better mental health. For those dealing with a demanding job or hectic daily schedule, exercising after work can help alleviate tension and create a natural transition from the stresses of the day to a more peaceful evening.

3) Greater Flexibility with Time:

Many people find that evenings are more flexible for exercise, allowing them to engage in longer or more social workouts. Fitness classes, gym sessions, or outdoor activities are often scheduled in the evening, providing an opportunity for group exercises and social interaction. Evening workouts can also be less rushed, giving you the freedom to enjoy your routine without feeling pressed for time.

4) Increased Muscle Growth Potential: 

For those focused on strength training and muscle growth, working out in the evening might offer an advantage. Your body’s metabolism and protein synthesis capabilities peak later in the day, which can result in more effective muscle repair and growth post-workout.

The Drawbacks of Evening Workouts

1) Interference with Sleep:

While evening workouts can be energizing and help with stress relief, they may also interfere with sleep for some people. Exercising too close to bedtime can elevate your heart rate and adrenaline levels, making it harder to wind down and fall asleep. If you are prone to insomnia or restless nights, it’s important to time your workouts earlier in the evening to avoid sleep disruption.

2) Potential Scheduling Conflicts:

Evening HIIT workouts often compete with social obligations, family time, and other responsibilities. If your evenings are already packed with commitments, it may be challenging to find time to exercise without feeling rushed or sacrificing important aspects of your personal life.

3) Lack of Motivation:

After a long day; it can be tough to find the motivation and energy to exercise. Evening fatigue can diminish your enthusiasm for working out, especially if your day has been physically or mentally draining. This can lead to skipped workouts or less intense sessions, potentially hindering your progress.

Morning vs. Evening: What Does Science Say?

There is a wealth of scientific research exploring the optimal time for exercise, but the findings are often mixed and depend on various factors such as personal goals, body composition, and lifestyle.

Morning Workouts and Weight Loss:

Some studies suggest that morning exercise may be more effective for fat loss. This is particularly true for fasted cardio, where exercising before breakfast can promote the use of fat stores for energy, leading to greater fat loss over time. A study published in the journal “Obesity” found that participants who exercised in the morning lost more weight than those who exercised at other times of the day. However, it is important to note that overall calorie expenditure and consistency matter more than the timing of your pre workout. If you can stick to a regular exercise routine, whether it’s in the morning or evening, you are more likely to see results.

Evening Workouts and Athletic Performance:

On the other side; evening workouts tend to correlate with improved athletic performance. A study from the “Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research” found that athletes perform better in the evening, with greater strength, endurance, and muscle growth potential. This is due to higher body temperature; more activated muscles, and increased hormone production that supports strength training and recovery.

Circadian Rhythms and Chronotypes:

Your circadian rhythm, or internal body clock, plays a crucial role in determining your best workout time. Chronotypes, which classify people as morning larks or night owls, can influence when you feel most energetic and alert. If you are naturally a morning person, you may find that exercising in the early hours aligns best with your energy levels. Conversely, night owls may thrive in evening workouts when they feel more awake and prepared for physical activity.

Tailoring Your Workout Time to Your Goals

Ultimately, the best time to work out depends on your personal goals, lifestyle, and body type. Here is the way how to choose based on your specific needs:

For Weight Loss:

Morning HIIT workouts, particularly fasted cardio, may help with fat loss by tapping into fat stores for energy. If weight loss is your primary goal, consider working out before breakfast and maintaining a consistent routine.

For Muscle Growth and Strength:

Evening workouts may be better for those focused on building muscle and improving strength. The higher body temperature and optimal hormone levels in the evening can enhance performance and muscle recovery.

For Better Sleep and Mental Health:

Morning workouts are ideal for regulating your sleep-wake cycle and reducing stress throughout the day. They can also improve mood and focus, making them a great option for those seeking mental clarity and better sleep quality.

For Flexibility and Social Interaction:

Evening workouts offer more time flexibility and the opportunity to join group fitness classes or engage in social activities. If you prefer a more leisurely or social workout environment, evenings may be your best bet.

Final Thoughts:

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether you should execute pre workout in the morning or evening. Both times offer distinct advantages depending on your goals, preferences, and lifestyle. The key is to experiment and find what works best for your body and schedule. Whether you are an early riser looking to start your day with a workout or someone who prefers to exercise after the sun sets, consistency and enjoyment are what matter the most in achieving your fitness goals. Ultimately, the best time to work out is the time that you can stick to consistently, aligns with your fitness goals, and makes you feel your best.


At WhatAFitness3, we’re proud to introduce our team, a certified physical training group with a passion for helping people achieve their fitness goals. With over 5 years of experience in the fitness industry, our team specializes in strength training, cardio fitness, weight loss, yoga, treating aches, boosting muscles, & healthy diets providing personalized workout plans and motivational coaching. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, WhatAFitness is dedicated to empowering you to reach your full potential through safe, effective, and enjoyable workouts. Stay fit, stay motivated, and transform your health with WhatAFitness by your side!

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